The number of frequent Internet users (considered as those who used the Internet the day before fulfilling the survey, within the correspondent quarter of the year) reached 16,746,000 in the period October-November 2011. The prevailing profile was men (54.8%) under 35 years old (46.8%) from middle social class (45.4%).
Ficha técnica
Distribution, by socio-demographic variables, of individuals that used the Internet the day before the survey by means of any equipment or access technology and from anywhere (both at home and outside). Variables: sex, age and social class.
Study based on personal interviews, with a global sample of 30,503 interviews in the last three waves and 10,156 in the last wave. It refers to Spanish population aged 14 or over (39,485,000 individuals). It partially corresponds to additional information of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan policy indicator: “percentage of individuals regularly using the Internet".