The percentage of e-commerce in relation to total sales of EU27 enterprises was 14% in 2010, after the stagnation shown in 2007 and following the progressive upward trend started in 2008. Ireland stands out with 24%, 10 points above the European average. At the other extreme, there are countries like Bulgaria and Cyprus hardly reaching 2%. In Spain, the evolution of this value has been positive over the last year, with a growth of 1 percentage point, from 10% in 2009 to 11% in 2010.
Ficha técnica
Enterprises´ turnover on e-commerce, expressed as a percentage of total sales.
Last update: February 2011
Data provided to Eurostat by the competent authorities of the Member States (Eurostat: Statistical Office of the European Communities responsible for providing the European Union with statistical information at European level and promoting the harmonisation of statistical methods across the Member States).
The sample is composed of enterprises with ten or more employees.