31% of Spanish citizens contacted the public administration via the Internet to obtain information from one of its web pages in 2010. This percentage shows an increase of 2.4 percentage points compared to the previous year, and is above the EU-27 average value (28%).
In 2010 the percentage of citizens who interacted with the administration to download forms was 18%, at the level of the EU-27.
In Spain, the percentage of individuals who used the Internet to return completed forms was below the EU-27 average (13%) in 2009, with 12%.
Ficha técnica
Percentage of individuals who have contacted the public administration via the Internet in the last three months, for one of these reasons: to obtain information, to obtain forms and to return completed forms. Out of the total population.
Last update: February 2011
eEurope 2005 complementary indicator D2. The information source for the different countries is Eurostat. The reasons considered in the study include: to obtain information from the public administrations web pages, to download official forms and to return completed forms.