Utilities and services offered from the website

Gráfica del indicador


In January 2011, 90.7% of companies used their webpage to present their company and/or products. The second most notable utility was the easy access to product catalogues and price lists. 59.5 % of companies used their website for this purpose.

Next, companies used their websites to state their privacy policy (56.7%), to advertise job offers and receive job applications (20.5%), to make online orders or reservations (14.9%), and to offer customers on-line payment (7%), customisation or design of products (7.6%) and website customisation for regular users (7.5%).

With regard to Spanish companies with less than 10 employees, 84.1% of companies that had a website used it to present their company.

Ficha técnica
Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE)
Encuesta de uso de TIC y Comercio Electrónico en las empresas (21 de Junio de 2011)

List of services offered by companies at their websites.

January 2011

Encuesta postal sobre desarrollo de Sociedad de la Información en las empresas españolas, sobre una muestra de 29.790 empresas (17.561 empresas de 10 o más asalariados y 12.229 de menos de 10 asalariados).