Data on the ICT sector

All the information about the ICT and Content sector is now available online. Thanks to a Web application, ONTSI can now provide users with all the statistical data on the ICT and Content sector in Spain; its format has been especially designed to facilitate consultation and downloading of data. Quick and easy access to the main indicators included in the Report on the Telecommunications, Information Technology and Content Sector in Spain is provided in the tables and graphs that appear on the screen.

The application provides users with the following information:

Reports on Information and Communication Technologies in Spanish Companies and Microenterprises

We are proud to present the 2012 edition of the Reports on Information and Communication Technologies in Spanish Companies and Microenterprises. A report compiled in collaboration with the National Statistics Institute (INE) pursuant to the agreement signed between both entities. We are grateful to INE for its collaboration.

Report on Social Networks in Spain

The first study on Social Networks in Spain made by the Spanish National Observatory for Telecommunications and the Information Society (ONTSI) is structured in three well-differentiated parts.


In the first part of the report named “Social Networks on the Internet, Concepts and Research on Existing Data Sources” the different typologies of social networks are defined, conceptualised and classified, and their impact is measured. For that purpose, the available data from other reports on penetration rates and use habits are presented.


Digital Agenda for Europe

The European Commission has proposed a Digital Agenda. Its main objective is to develop a digital single market in order to generate smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe.


What are the obstacles hindering the Digital Agenda?


•       fragmented digital markets;

•       lack of interoperability;

•       rising cybercrime and risk of low trust in networks;

United Nations E-Government Survey 2010

Según el índice e-participación de Naciones Unidas, en 2010 España se encuentra en la 3º posición de los 157 países analizados, mejorando 31 puestos respecto a 2008. Tan sólo Corea y Australia adelantan a España. Según el indicador desarrollo de e-Administración España ocupa en 2010 el puesto 9º, el 5º entre los países europeos. Nuestro país ha mejorado 11 posiciones pasando de la 20 en 2008 a la 9 en 2010.

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