Internet access points used by Internet users

Gráfica del indicador


The own residence was the main Internet access point in April/May 2011; 90.1% of internet users accessed the Internet from their homes. It is followed by the workplace, with a percentage of 20.9% of the users. In this case, we observe a continued downward trend since 2005, when 32.4% of the users accessed the Internet from their workplace.

Behind the previous access points (home, work), we find someone else's houses (e.g. friends and family) with 10.2% and public places such as telecentres or o cybercafés. The least frequent access point, which has been considered in this study, is universities or study centres (6.5%).

Ficha técnica
Spanish Association for Media Research (AIMC)
General Media Study (Estudio General de Medios, EGM)
Quarterly (except third quarter of the year)

On the grounds of the number of individuals who have accessed the Internet in the last month, by means of any access technology and from anywhere. The sum of the figures corresponding to each access point is over 100, since some individuals use various access methods.

1997- Apr/May 2011

Study based on personal interviews, with a global sample of 30,547 interviews in the last three waves and 10,190 in the last wave. It refers to Spanish population aged 14 or over (39,485,000 individuals). It partially corresponds to additional information of the eEurope 2005 Action Plan policy indicator: “percentage of individuals with Internet access by access point”.