In the last year, the number of Internet users who have purchased online has increased by 17%, compared to previous data. The number of people making purchases online has jumped from 40.3% in 2008 to 41.5% in 2009 (percentage of all Internet users), which is translated into 1.5 million more individuals.
The evolution of the percentage of Internet purchasers remains more stable compared to previous years than the percentage of Internet users, which is increasing at a faster rate reaching already 61.2% of the total current population.
Ficha técnica
Number of individuals, expressed as a percentage of the total Internet population and the total Internet users who have purchased goods or services via the Internet.
Postal survey to 2,675 individuals on Internet availability and e-commerce use.
Sample extracted from an ICT panel by, which is representative of Spanish households. Specifically, the individuals belonging to the panel declared, via a postal survey sent to households in September 2009, that they had used the Internet on one or more occasions.