Companies that experienced a security problem in the last twelve months

Gráfica del indicador
Gráfica del indicador


In January 2009 there was an increase in the number of companies with Internet access that had some type of security problem in the last 12 months, rising from 11.2% in January 2008 to 12.6% in January 2009.

Large companies are the ones with more security problems, 22.3% of them declared to have problems, compared to 16.1% of those with 50 to 249 employees and 11.8% of companies with 10 to 49 employees.

In the case of companies with less than 10 employees, only 11.4% experienced a security problem in the last 12 months.



The main problem reported by companies remains computer virus attacks. 12.1% of companies with 10 or more employees experienced this kind of problem, 1.5 percentage points more than the previous year.

Hence the importance of having, in the first place, an antivirus software installed in corporate systems, and keep this software updated in the second place. Notwithstanding other common recommendations to protect data and systems against potential external attacks.

The other problems are negligible due to their low percentages.


Ficha técnica
National Statistics Institute (INE) of Spain
Survey on the Use of Information and Communication Technologies and Electronic Commerce in Companies (October 2009)

Percentage of companies which experienced a security problem, indicating main problems detected.

January 2009

Postal survey on the development of the Information Society in Spanish companies, of a sample of 32,950 companies: 19,436 companies with 10 or more employees and 13,514 companies with less than 10 employees.