In January 2011 99.3% of the companies with 10 or more employees that had Internet access connected via fixed broadband, following the upward trend of the last years, although this trend was less marked than in the previous years. If we also include those that connected via mobile broadband, the percentage rises to 99.4%.
XDSL is the most widely-used Internet access technology by companies. Over 97% of the companies access to the Internet using this technology. Internet access in companies by means of other type of connections continued to increase, rising from 12.3% in 2010 to 13.3% in January 2011, but was still very far from XDSL technology.
By company size, those with more than 250 employees were the ones that used broadband the most: 100% of them had broadband. In the case of companies with Internet access and less than 10 employees, 96% of them used fixed broadband.
Ficha técnica
Percentage of companies that used broadband for their communications, and technology used. The information is broken down by company size.
Postal survey on the development of the Information Society in Spanish companies, of a sample of 29,790 companies: 17,561 companies with 10 or more employees and 12,229 companies with less than 10 employees. It corresponds to the eEurope 2005 Action Plan indicator J.2 (complimentary statistical indicator), and also to an i2010 indicator.